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Left to right - Founder members: Johan, Peter and Maike

A Short History of the Spiritual Directors in Europe

The Spiritual Directors in Europe is an international network of people involved in the ministry of spiritual direction across Europe - with a few Associate Members in other countries.

At the end of the 20th Century, Johan Muijtjens (The Netherlands), Peter Ball (UK) and Maike Ewart (Germany) shared a vision with each other - and then invited others to share it at the very first meeting of what was to become SDE.

We now have more than 150 members in 27 countries as well as Associates in non-European countries and Friends who follow our work. Members value the opportunity to share wisdom and insights with like-minded people and the openness and welcome has encouraged the ministry of spiritual direction to flourish in former Communist countries where it was non-existent.

The Covid pandemic brought challenges but also opportunities. People were searching for meaning - others were suffering from the illness or the loss of a loved one at a time when people could not attend funerals. The world suddenly realised how fragile things actually are. In amongst this, spiritual directors found their deep listening skills and steady accompaniment offered strength and hope. New technologies opened up possibilities of meeting virtually and a new phase of SDE began to open up. In 2021, the first online Meeting was held and its success has led to a desire to have more regular meetings and to offer more resources online.

You can read more about the origins of SDE in our "Short History". (PDF)

SD-Europe is registered under UK Company Law (Company number 5461532).

You can read Our Constitution. (PDF)

Read more about our previous meetings here...

Maike about 25 years of SDE in Sweden 2024, read it here pdf

About us

We are an international association of Spiritual Directors with full membership open to all trained Directors/ Accompaniers in the continent of Europe.

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Join us and help to raise awareness of the ministry of spiritual accompaniment and further its development in Europe.

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