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Support Europeans on their spiritual journeys

Your donation will support us to be there for those who dwell in the need of  spiritual direction and companionship on their spiritual journeys.
Donate to support either SD-Europe administration or her members.
General donations are used to cover administrational expenses. Administration is very lean and run the most efficent way.
Donations to our scholarship fund are used to support members who apply a scholarship to join our Annual General Meeting at the location.
Scholarships are granted on socio-economical bases upon an application to EC of SD-Europe.

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*Last name
*I give permission for my data to be stored and used for SD-Europe purposes.
Home Address 1
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Postal code / Zip code
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Cell Phone
*Amount (€EUR)
*Donation to be used
General donation is used to support SD-Europe operations in general.
Scholarship fund donations are used to support those of our members applying for scholarship.

About us

We are an international association of Spiritual Directors from a variety of Christian traditions with full membership open to all trained Directors/ Accompaniers in the continent of Europe.

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SD-Europe offers several levels of Membership - from Friend through to Full Member. Each level brings different benefits. 
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Feel free to get in touch here.

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