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Spiritual Direction Masterclasses

We are grateful to members who offer short masterclasses on various aspects of  spiritual direction and who are making them available more widely through the following YouTube videos. 

The talks were delivered first to Members with the opportunity to have time for personal reflection on them and then a more general conversation and sharing of experience.  These extended videos are only avalable to Members. If you are not a member, you can use this link to find out about becoming a member of the SD-Europe family.

More videos will be added.

Spiritual Guidance: A Sacred Encounter - Una Agnew SSL

Spiritual Direction with those whose main form of prayer is Silence - Denis Gleeson.

The Fourfold Path of Forgiving - Johan Muijtjens

Finding Balance of Life with those we Accompany - Penny Warren

About us

We are an international association of Spiritual Directors from a variety of Christian traditions with full membership open to all trained Directors/ Accompaniers in the continent of Europe.

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