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S W E D E N   -  B E R G E T - G R A T I T U D E

our stay AT BERGET 24-29 April 2024

The theme of thE meeting: "Gratitude".

The whole Meeting was rooted in this theme, because this is the year of our 25th anniversary.

In the programme we dealt with different aspects of gratitude. We are grateful for our past, our 25 year of existence.

We are grateful for the gifts of God in the present given by our members, for the beautiful workshops and lectures and not forgetting the going deeper. We are grateful for the silence during our silence day. For the community in Berget to whom we were guests and who took care of us.

And we are grateful for what God builds in our future.

The programme  included time for personal and shared reflection, ongoing formation and time in the company of like-minded people from around Europe.


           main house,  Berget                                                  our symbols                                          Three persons of the community of Berget

       John Newsome wrote reflections on the several days, others took pictures, see the links:
       There are also videos of different parts of the meeting.


1.  Una with Going deeper     2. Christopher about the Free church in Sweden         3 Maike about 25 years of SDE


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