Christmas message from our Chair:
“For He Himself is our peace.” Ephesians 2:14
We prayed for the end of the war in Ukraine, and suddenly, unexpectedly a new war started in the Near East. People are dying in the north, south, and other parts of the world every day. In the meantime, we sit quietly in our homes, watch tragic news from all over the world, and try to prepare ourselves in the Advent period. We would like to celebrate a very special birthday. The birthday of the coming Lord. A newborn baby, who entrusted Himself to us and who would bring peace to this world.
When He was born, there was no peace either in Palestine or in the Roman Empire or in the world far and wide. His nation, the elected people, did not accept Him, except for some chosen ones. The elders, the Sanhedrin, the religious leaders, and the political leaders all rejected Him, and the ordinary people often neglected Him. Yet there were sinners, sick, disabled, unclean people who sought His presence and help. Not many recognized that He was the Saviour of the world. Sometimes even His disciples doubted Him, betrayed Him, and denied that they knew Him. On the cross, He was urged to save Himself, save the criminals, to come down from the cross in order for those who were present to believe in Him. He remained on the cross for us. Looking at His life up to this point, one could say that it was a failure.
But His life did not end on the cross. He resurrected and started to fulfil His promises. Sometimes He reminds us that His kingdom is not of this world. However, we live in this world, and we would like to experience the fulfilment of His promises in our earthly life, too. He reigns over this world, and lets us shape this world. Maybe our intentions are not the best; although He commanded us to inhabit and subdue the world, rule over the animals, work, and take care of the world received as a gift. We are in charge and responsible for it. Climate change and pollution shows us that we are not sufficiently good stewards.
We are still looking for the peace promised to us. In the midst of alarming news, He wants to bless us with His inner peace. We bring our bruised, scarred, fragile lives and souls to Him as unworthy presents. He wants to touch us and heal us. What dwells in your heart right now? We long for quietness, for understanding, for people not disturbing us, for health, recovery, stability, good neighbours and family members. In this time of turmoil, He whispers quietly to us and reassures us of His presence. The peace is He Himself. He offers Himself to us this Christmas as well. We are looking for Him, searching for Him, whereas He is standing at our door and knocking. Will you open it? He is ready to join us, to bring light into our darkness, peace into our unrest. He offers us His peace in our disquiet. His peace transcends all understanding. Do you understand? No, we do not. But even when we do not understand, we can still bow down as the Magi, the shepherds, and worship Him, adore Him. He can enter our troubled lives and be our peace. Christmas is the time for joy, glorification, peace, and gratitude. We may also continue to pray for the outer peace in this world. Thank you for your truthful life and your relentless prayers. It is a privilege to be a member of this community and to be sisters and brothers in Christ. I wish to all of you Him, who is the real peace, who can bless you, your life and service with His presence this Christmas!