IS THAT WE VALUE IN SDE MEETINGS? - listening in the silence | Henry Morgans categorizing
Prayer and Silence
listening in the silence depth rhythm of silence and sharing being present in the present to prepare for future God is in the centre deep prayer form deeply prayerful knowing each other at a very deep level we give time to what is needed International character of the group promoting spirituality with in Europe learning the forms of local spirituality being enriched by local spirituality Unity in diversity Solidarity all trained practicians we all belong to church/faith group, we all belong to Christianity, but we are outside of that, we have a character of our own, everybody’s background canvas Christ centredness Ethos communal discernment learning community, willing to learn, open to learn sharing the gifts of everybody so spacious that even those who are quiet and shy have space, that allows them to trust and share their gifts welcoming and open depth of sincerity, being what we are, accepting friendship and intimacy – among us and also with God and Christ love humility encouraging atmosphere laughter, sense of humour intentional hospitality – atmosphere of discerned hospitality love of sharing everybody’s food culture Worshiping and services use rituals, but not tied to rituals, we find new ways – be creative in and without rituals we can be creative with the rituals we might want to use Structure triads familiarity of SDE structure AG (going deeper, workshops, triads, eucharist) length of the AG, makes a difference |