Berget Sweden 24-29 April 2024:1. 25 years SDE, Maike Ewert's talk on pdf, click here 2. 3. Powerpoint of the Going deeper by Una |
by Sirkka-Liisa Raunio
Visio Divina by Laura Kolmar
Visio Divina: Incorporating Henri Nouwen's Methodology of Praying with Icons into your Personal Prayer and Professional Practice of Spiritual Direction
Gratitude on the occasion of Thanksgiving Day, by Edward Warrington
Becoming an Everyday Mystic: Connecting with the Divine in Daily Life Join us as we explore the concept of the everyday mystic and discover how we can cultivate mindfulness, connectedness, compassion, gratitude, and presence in our daily lives. We'll examine the characteristics of the everyday mystic, such as finding the sacred in the mundane, and delve into practical steps we can take to become more attuned to the divine in our daily lives. This is particularly important in a world that often feels fragmented and disconnected, as many of us yearn for a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our lives, and the importance of mysticism as a path to connect with something greater than ourselves. As the theologian Karl Rahner famously said, "The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not exist" (“mysticism of the masses.” Rahner, 1981)
Praying with Crafts