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A poem about our pilgrimage

  • 12 May 2022 00:00
    Message # 12776662


    The sudden spring at Skálholt

    sets an arrow in the sky,

    as clear a sign to Iceland’s tribes

    as to the homesick swans,

    that frozen feuds are melting now.

    The stilled disputes of states at war

    that, once again unsheaved,

    will gouge a rift where east meets west,

    and hemisphere scrapes hemisphere.

    Except the chieftains take the route,

    mapped by the migrant birds,

    to where the continents

    contend in violent moot.

    Bring human conflicts here

    to Þingvellir,

    and let the continental drift

    drown out the roar of human threats,

    in tumbling torrents of its own.

    The Gulfoss Falls baptized the tribes,

    and carved from basalt rock

    an effervescent font,

    that grinds the grandeur from my sin,

    upon the millstone of the rock.

    This is the Prime Meridian,

    where I and latitude alike are nought,

    Alpha neighbours Omega.

    Destruction and Creation kiss,

    and Shiva partners Brahma in the dance.

  • 12 May 2022 16:14
    Reply # 12777746 on 12776662

    The poem captures really well many of the complexities of what we experienced in Iceland. Great Stiiv

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