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Books about spiritual direction

22 Jun 2023 08:15 | Antoinette van Gurp, Secretary (Administrator)
These are the books given by members to the library in Estonia:
  1. Celtic prayer : Caught Up in Love
  2. Dom Chautard OCR, The Soul of the Apostolate
  3. Joan Chittister, The Time Is Now
  4. Karl Frielingsdorf, Seek the face of God
  5. Leslie A. Hay, Hospitality : The Heart of Spiritual Direction
  6. Gerard W. Hughes, God in All Things, The Sequel to God of Surprises
  7. Gerard W. Hughes, God of Surprises 
  8. Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
  9. In a New Translation by Thomas Corbishley S.J., The Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola
  10. Thomas Merton, Spiritual Direction and Meditation
  11. Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart, The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel
  12. Henri Nouwen,  The Wounded Healer
  13. Henri Nouwen,  Walk With Jesus
  14. Susan S. Phillips, Candlelight : Illuminating the Art of Spiritual Direction
  15. Richard Rohr, Breathing Under Water, Spirituality and The Twelve Steps
  16. Richard Rohr, Falling Upward
  17. Richard Rohr, Silent Compassion, Finding God in Contemplation
  18. Joyce Rupp, May I Have This Dance?
  19. Margaret Silf, Landmarks: An Ignatian Journey
  20. Margaret Silf, Companions of Christ : Ignatian Spirituality for Everyday Living
  21. Carol Ann Smith;  Eugene Merz, Moment by Moment : A Retreat in Everyday Life
  22. The Veritas Hymnal

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